Home Arts Commerce Business 4.0 : the need of an Hour

Business 4.0 : the need of an Hour

The PG and Research Department of Commerce hosted a guest lecture on “ Business 4.0 : the need of an Hour”  on September 11, 2024.

The program aimed to enlighten students on the  latest trends and technologies , while providing valuable insights into the impact of digitalization on modern business practices.

The session featured by Dr. M. Ketharaj  Associate professor of Commerce , Raja Doraisingam Government Arts College , Sivagangai  as the resource person. Dr.M.Ketharaj  delivered an informative lecture on the need , significance, and scope of Business 4.0 in today’s business landscape.

Additionally 8 faculty members shared their expertise, educating and inspiring students to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by this evolving business environment

 The program provided a comprehensive understanding of Business 4.0 ,empowering the students to succeed in the digital age.

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