Women Empowerment, Protection and Grievances Redressal Cell and PG and Research Department of Commerce jointly organised an Awareness programme on “Entrepreneurship Development” at Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College , Sattur on 20/08/2024. The objective of the programme   was to increase the knowledge and skill for existing entrepreneurs particularly in Women and encourage others to be an entrepreneur.

The programme was engaged with four resource persons

Mr. S. Kumaraguru, Managing Director, Kumaraguru Textiles,  Rajapalayam

Mr. R. Venkatesan,  Deputy Director DIC ,Virudhunagar

Mr. R. Pandiselvam,  Lead District Manager, Virudhunagar

Mr. R.Kanagaraj, Assistant Manager, TAHDCO, Virdhunagar

The Resource Persons likely to educate and inspire the students participants through shared their expertise and experience various self employment schemes, lead bank schemes, government subsidy and schemes related to TAHDCO.

         Such programme are essential for empowering women entrepreneurs and providing them with the necessary  tools and support to succeed in their ventures. More than 380 students and 18 plus faculties are attended the programme.